Floral pattern DIY

오전 10:02

Hi! I've tried  Jungalow's DIY and recreated my own flowery patterns.
It is very easy and simple DIY and I think anyone can create amazing patterns from following this tutorial.

What you will need 

1. A sketchbook
2. Watercolour paints
3. Paint brush
4. Scanner (if you don't have one, use a camera)
5. Photoshop

1. Draw any kind of flowers or plants, patterns on the sketchbook using watercolour paints. Try to use different colour and  different kind of shapes to give variations. I've decided to draw random plants and freesia flowers. As you can see the drawings don't have to be fancy, they can be rough and very plain. It's the combination of the drawings that matter :) 

2. Once you are done, wait until the paint fully dry. Scan your paintings and open the file in Photoshop. Use the Lasso tool to cut out each drawings.

3. Paste the drawings into a new square page and make sure to erase and cut out the edges of the drawings. I used masking tool to erase the edges.  Place the drawings nicely and try to fill up the gaps. Note you can adjust colour and brightness of each drawings here to make the whole piece to look nice. I've used hue/saturation to change colour and brightness. Once you are done pasting, merge all the layers. If you like to have a different background colour, use a paint bucket tool to paint the background layer.

4. Make a new page and paste the square page into this page. Repeat this until you fill up the whole page.

5. You can rotate, turn, enlarge the patterns however you want to create different style patterns.

TADA! These are the patterns I've created. You can use the pattern to create your own scarf, packaging or curtains, however you like! 

For instance, I used the pattern to create a concept page of home fragrance series.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading this tutorial!


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2 개의 댓글

  1. This is really gorgeous ! And loved the helpful tutorial as well :) Thanks for sharing !

    1. Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you liked the tutorial :D


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